"I attended an Unbundled Services Training at The Law Shop in 2019 and wasn't sure what to expect when I walked through the door. We've all been excited for a training just to struggle to keep our eyes open throughout the event. But guys – this was a training like no other! Amy Skogerson and Andrea McGinn provided me with all the information, resources, and advice necessary to go out and crush an unbundled practice, all while remaining warm, inviting, and approachable. I have now completely unbundled my family law and estate planning practices and am LOVING the increased options for my clients. I could not be more grateful to Amy and Andrea for the time, energy, and expertise they have poured into this training. I could not possibly give a more glowing recommendation than this one for The Law Shop." – Dawn Hernandez, Attorney & Mediator, Des Moines, Iowa
“Amy Skogerson has provided top notch legal services for our entire family!” - JoEllen
“Amy’s approach to family law is to have a smile on her face and assure you that everything will be ok, because it will be. This is not a fight, but peaceful interaction between the parties to come to a conclusion that works for everyone. I never would have thought that mediation would work, and I was so wrong. My relationship with our kids is not one of weekly visitations, rather a co-parenting agreement that works for the best interest of our children.” ~Jim
"In 2015 we started the journey to become foster parents. We had 3 biological daughters, but foster care was tugging on our heart strings. We completed all the paperwork & classes in the summer of 2016 & had two babies placed in our home in August that year. Our hearts doubled in size as we became a family of 7. Foster Care is an emotional roller coaster, there’s really no other way to put it, and in 2019 we were approved to adopt. Thanks to the recommendation of a friend we found The Law Shop! They were wonderful to work with, very efficient, quick, and understanding. The Law Shop helped us become a Forever Family & for that I am Forever grateful!" – Shantelle